Steelers Country — Travis Dahlke

I convince Landa to be my accomplice as she culls rotten lettuce heads. They let Landa wear a knife on her belt. She has a weak heart and I think destroying crops makes her feel powerful.

ONE POEM – S.M. Tsai

White fabric sagging
Exposed lipsticked mouth
Small exposed mouth screaming
Exposed mouth with nose ring

TWO POEMS – Rachel Bruce

Gravity balances on my shoulders,
tosses back the balls while I wait
for their sandy pop in my palms.
I get lighter by the day.

ONE POEM – Italo Ferrante

the sound of sliced cabbages
shadows painted on the floor
brick façades & blunt gables

a swarm of rats follow a lone woman
wherever she sleepwalks

all bedsheet ladders lead to you