TWO POEMS – Camille Castro

Image: Hannah Höch – Bouquet of Eyes, 1930

Camille Castro, 18, is a young poet from the island of Guam. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Sprout Magazinetenderness, yea, and Minute Magazine. Aside from poetry, her interests include K-Pop, watching fashion vloggers on YouTube, and eating dim sum.


Makers — They do not sing. They smother you in exhaled flora, smudging red-flowered weeds in your retinas. I become my child — he secretly croons, syncing his larynx to traditional Chinese music boxes. Suave, invested for stability, offing.


Did anyone ever ask you, perhaps, that numb feelings swell like enlarged arteries? Bodies healing in sufficiency, for expectancy? I look to the eon when metrics to my voice were sniffed for synthetic time lapses. Natural medicine — technicality undermined.

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